Life of a temporarily employed (pijônggyujik)
A good feature article in Ohmynews about a woman who has been working as a temporary employee in various banks since the late 90s after being laid off from a bank after 13 years' service and who is about get fired (or more formally, whose contract is about not to be renewed). What is quite remarkable is that her salary has been 1/3 of that of the permanently employed despite of the almost similar work; she gets some million W (670 €) a month, with 15 years' experience counted. Don't know what the basis is for this big difference in wages. From the article: 허씨에게도 좋은 시절이 있었다. 1983년 상고를 졸업하고 13년간 B은행에 다니는 동안 그는 아쉬울 게 없는 직장인이었다. 하지만 1990년대 중반 은행권에 구조조정의 태풍이 불어닥치면서 허씨도 명예퇴직 대상자가 됐다.What, half of the jobs in Finnish banks disappeared in the rearrangements (kujo chojông) after the economic crisis of the early 90s, so welcome to the developed world, Korea. Categories at stratification ∙ women-men ∙ work ∙ |